Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A First Post...

OK, time to finally make the first post. After all, the blog was created back in October.

I've been feeling pulled/tugged to reflect on life. I'm a parish priest and encounter lots of situations in my daily life that cause me to reflect theologically on them. Events happening around the world pique that interest as well. How are we supposed to live into our fullest relationship with God when we can't even get along with each other? This is what I've intended to write on...

... but I've been pretty distracted of late. That has a lot to do with the fact that we've started doing the Breast Cancer Tango in our house. It's taken on a life of its own and we're not done yet.

My better half (yes, really) has her own business and a Ph.D. in molecular biology. Let's call her "Doc". She found a very small lump at the beginning of October. Off to Ob/Gyn for review, then mammogram. Next ultrasound and biopsy. Yes, it's cancer. So, both of us had been paddling our canoe on a river in Egypt, but no more. Now we have to deal with Doc's "alien invader."

Long story short, it's now the end of December. The "alien invader" has been removed. As they used to say on some game show, "But, there's more!" Genetic testing has been ordered, as has tumor typing. The margins aren't clean. There are also areas of DCIS, known as Stage-0 cancer. Both of these causing concern and lack of clarity on a path forward.

A few weeks ago, Doc asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I said, "The only thing I really want is a happy and healthy partner." It really is true. With all of the angst and worry that we've been through in the last three months, the bright side is a deepened relationship. As Doc said last night, "It's like being newlyweds, only better." I couldn't agree more.

I'll update this saga periodically. In the mean time, maybe i can get this blog back on track.

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